Tag: hack

Cyber Attacks

Fake Malicious Telegram Messenger App Spotted

A fake Telegram Messenger app has been discovered that is being used to hack PCs with the Purple Fox Malware.

Cyber Attacks

Tesco Restores Online Sales Following Cyber Attack

Attempted interference with the company's systems caused issues with the website's search function, according to a statement released...

Apps & OSs

FontOnLake Rootkit Malware Spotted to Target Linux Systems

A new strain of Linux malware has been discovered that allows thieves remote access and opens the door to additional attacks.

Cyber Attacks

Ransomware Group FIN12 Targeting Healthcare Sector

In recent years, the healthcare sector has become an extremely appealing target for cybercriminals.

Cyber Attacks

Despite the Changing Hacking Scene, Ransomware Thrives

According to a new McAfee Enterprise research, ransomware is still on the rise despite changes in the underground hacker scene that...


5 Tips to Secure your WordPress Site

Given the widespread use of WordPress, it is recommended that you take a few precautionary measures to keep your website safe from...

Data Breaches

Epik's Server Data Exposed Following New Data Leak

Anonymous has made public what it claims to be previously unreleased information about Epik, a controversial web hosting company.


How To Keep Windows 11 Secured

In the ever-increasing threat scenario of cyberattacks, it is preferable that you take the time to safeguard your work or even your...

Cyber Attacks

DeFi Platform Vee Finance Loses $35M in Cyberheist

Vee Finance, a de-centralized financing company located in Avalanche, revealed on Tuesday they had been hacked and stolen by a single...


HAProxy Exposed to Critical HTTP Request Smuggling Attack

Open-source load balancer and proxy server HAProxy has been discovered to have a new security vulnerability. This issue enables attackers...

Apps & OSs

PoC Released for Ghostscript Flaw Exposing Dropbox, Airbnb

Hackers have demonstrated a current vulnerability in Ghostscript, a popular server-side image translation software program, and have...