Apps & OSs

FontOnLake Rootkit Malware Spotted to Target Linux Systems

A new strain of Linux malware has been discovered that allows thieves remote access and opens the door to additional attacks.

Did a cyberattack bring down Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp?

Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram were all down yesterday, although there is no evidence that this was the result of a cyberattack.

Fake Flubot Malware Warning Targeting Android Phones

Cybercriminals began using bogus cybersecurity warnings to trick Android users into downloading malware.

New Android Trojan Steals Millions of Dollars

It was recently revealed that a malicious mobile campaign infected over 10 million Android users. The victims were from over 70 countries...

Microsoft to Allow Amazon and Epic Games stores on Its...

Microsoft plans to integrate third-party app shops into its Microsoft marketplace in the near future.

Powereful Cyberattack Targeted Thousands of Online Gaming...

Cybercriminals are increasingly focusing their attention on the online accounts of gamers.

Key Aspects of Microsoft's Windows 11 Security Approach

Highlighting the Most Critical Aspects of Microsoft's Security Enhancements for Windows 11.

PoC Released for Ghostscript Flaw Exposing Dropbox, Airbnb

Hackers have demonstrated a current vulnerability in Ghostscript, a popular server-side image translation software program, and have...