How To Protect Yourself Against Credential Phishing Attacks
With the growing threat of cyberattacks, credential phishing campaigns continue to be a significant element of hacking activity, and it is in your best interest to protect yourself properly against this type of threat.

Recently, fraudsters have improved their strategies and developed novel approaches to conducting large-scale phishing campaigns in order to get user login credentials. A phishing attack was found by Armorblox that used a fake email notice from a company that provides email encryption to gain user credentials.
To obtain user data, scammers often use phishing attacks. If a phishing email manages to get the correct credentials and password, the attacker has full access to the network and can do a lot of damage.
Take these steps to avoid being a victim of a phishing scam for yourself or your business:
- Secure your account credentials. Passwords containing dates of birth or names should be avoided because they are easily guessed, and you shouldn't use the same password across all of your accounts either.
- Take note of any social engineering cues you come across. When bombarded with email after email, it's easy to miss the telltale signals of fraud. However, in order to avoid being a victim, you must examine each email carefully. Look for things like the sender's name, email address, and any anomalies in the email's wording.
- Use security software to keep your computer safe. Enable automatic updates for the software so that it can stay on top of any new security dangers that may arise.
- Use two-factor authentication to keep your accounts secure. Some accounts provide additional security by requiring the use of two or more login credentials. Authentication with several factors is referred to as multi-factor authentication (MFA). There are two types of additional credentials you'll need to access your account: